What one aspect of your child’s educational experience (at any school) had the most positive impact on him or her last year?

When Parker transferred to the MavLab Learning program last year we saw such positive impact in his love for learning, almost immediately. Parker was treated with dignity and his curiosity was encouraged as he was given space to explore his own ideas freely. Parker was given a voice and could express himself in an environment which made mutual respect a standard. Mavlab challenges students to move beyond being mediocre and discover they can meet challenges in any subject with persistence and determination. Parker, who once thought writing was boring, became excited to express his own ideas and present them to his coaches at Mavlab.

What do you feel is the single most significant way in which MavLab Learning can enhance your child’s educational experience to help them grow this year?

Brian's genius of teaching is strongly rooted in his commitment to shepherding children into self -discovery allowing young students to find personal passions, individual strengths, and areas of challenge to overcome. He treats each student with respect. Mavlab’s curriculum is designed around engineering a learning environment of which young people find fun, rewarding and open to discovery (well beyond grade level expectations and abilities.) Students love the structure of his lessons and are always curious about what fun activity will be next. The design of Mavlab Learning (in my opinion)….is that all students can learn. Brian truly believes all kids can be great!